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Year 7 : 1988-89
Candy Cane Unicorn

Sugar Sweet
China, China (no 'Pat Pend', pink body), China (no 'Pat Pend')
Sunshine Unicorn
Perfume Puff Unicorn

Beach Ball
China ('fuzzy' symbols), China

Red Roses
China (top)
Dance 'n Prance Unicorns

DJ & Twirler
Sparkle Unicorns

Star Hopper
HK (mail order version, white hair), HK (regular), HK (greenish hair) (top line)
Baby Fancy Pants Unicorns

Baby Glider
Thailand, China (purple butterflies), China (pink butterflies)
Newborn Unicorn

China (bottom left)

China (no 'Pat Pend')
Baby Unicorn and Pretty Pal

Baby Lucky Leaf
& Baby Leafy the Calf China
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