What do we have, here ?
MLP Unicorns ?!?
Hum… Where to begin ?
Well yes, the abbreviation for ‘My Little Pony’, the Hasbro toys.
The whole story began in the early 80’s, when the 1st MLP’s were born. So as I.
We grow up together, like friends.
And then the 1st pony generation (G1) stopped to be produced in mid-90’s, and I became a teenager. So for a bunch of years, we took different roads, and my childhood ponies waited in a briefcase, in the attic…
That’s when I was around 20, in the early 2000’s, that I found them back at my parents house. And when I looked at these tiny forgotten ponies, I fell in love with them for the second time !
This is how I became a proud –adult- MLP collector. Actually the same way as many others, I assume.
They were so lovely, but the problem was… they were so MANY !
I had to choose, and the choice was taken quickly indeed : I had a crush (and still have) on unicorns in general, so I’ll collect the horned MLP.
That’s why.
Now my MLP collection counts a few hundreds unicorns (don’t know the exact number though, still constantly increasing), of every pony generation.
I’m especially fond of small variations (factory errors, bad stamped eyes or symbols, hair mistakes, odd hybrids, colour variations, ‘pat pend’/ no ‘pat pend’ versions, and so on…) so you’ll see here sometimes a lot of ‘the same pony’ -showing tiny differences that make them different from each other and that justify me to keep them all-.

‘Nirvana’ unicorns (foreign or rare MLP’s) are also one of my delights. Living in Belgium, I was blessed with loads of european variations without even searching for them, so it helped. Most of ponies sold here when I was a child were Italians , for example.
As you’ll see, the majority of mine are not in perfect condition. I bought them like that at first because they generally were cheaper and easier to find than perfect ladies, but as the time went by, I found myself developing true affection and enthusiasm for the ‘poor’ nirvanas. Each of them is quite unique and deserve a second chance to be admired, right ?
So now I must confess I really prefer my nirvana ponies to be far from perfect !
Sometimes, by the way, I have the opportunity to ‘upgrade’ one of my ponies, so I do it… but I always keep both !
Enough talking now. Let’s see the pics !
(Every unicorn and image on this website is from my personal collection –unless mentioned-, based on my personal researches and observations over the years, so it’s not supposed to be ‘universal knowledge’ for sure. Only my MLP vision, and love.)
Thanks for visiting !
- Lilico -