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G4 counts many ‘unofficial’ variations, like factory errors, prototypes, hybrids, ‘mistakes’ of all kinds… and even some interesting fakies.
Maybe made on purpose for some ? Who knows…
In that, G4 is quite similar to G1, and that makes this pony generation a fascinating one too…

Cherry Pie
Pink hair instead of yellow

Dewdrop Dazzle head, Snowcatcher body, odd...

Purple Unicorn
Walking pose, purple/hot pink/light pink hair, no symbols

Purple Unicorn
Standing pose, purple/hot pink/light pink hair, no symbols

Pink Unicorn
Walking pose, blue hair, no symbols

Pink Unicorn
Standing pose, blue hair, no symbols

Pink Unicorn
Standing pose, pink hair, no symbols

'Lyra Rays'
Lyra colours, Sunny Rays symbol

Trixie colours, Fluttershy symbol

'Rarity' fakies
White, purple hair / Pink, pink hair
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