G4 : 2010-Now
In 2010 arrived the 4th MLP generation : the G4.
G4 is the current MLP generation, that you can still find in shops now, with regular new releases.
From the beginning, the G4 ponies were featured in the animated series ‘My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic’, which first introduced the 6 principal characters (the ‘Mane 6’) : Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and the 2 unicorns, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity.
All 6 were immediately released as toys, followed by loads of others characters appearing gradually in the TV show as the time went by.
In that, the G4 are (to me) the closest pony generation to our old G1 : there’re A LOT of different ponies, a wide variety, including mini toys, brushables, fashion-style sizes, pegasus, unicorns, babies, boys, sea ponies,

winged unicorns (even if I don’t like them !), special editions, and even prototypes, factory errors, and oddities. This aspect really makes them special to me (and to the vast majority of collectors too).
Well, close enough, but not really like the G1. But remember what we said before : G1 are the best !
I think I really really like the G4, even if the very first time I saw them I was just chocked by their size : the G4 adults are about the height of G1 babies !
And the fashion-style ponies, supposed to be the big ones, are close to the size of a normal adult G1.

When I got used to them, by the way, I realized what was about to happen, Hasbro introducing more and more new ponies every month : this variety of characters, colours, poses, symbols… All this really reminded the G1 spirit, and that was awesome !
How fun it is to wander in shops, or on the internet, discovering new ponies, and variations, every now and then ! It’s like being a child again !
NO ! That wasn’t made on purpose by Hasbro to sell tons of MLP’s, even to nostalgic grown-ups. And NO ! I didn’t lamentably fell in that marketing game !
Hum… Well… Let’s change that subject…
For the G4, I have to precise I only collect SOME of the toys : the regular brushable unicorns, and the brushable fashion-style unicorns.
I don’t keep small ponies like blind-bag ponies, nor regular sized ponies with plastic molded hair, and so on.
And I DON’T want to hear about winged unicorns ! That cannot be !
So, concretely, every unicorn with brushable hair is most welcome !